The Aji Starter’s Course – Double Your Income

The Aji Starter’s Course – Double Your Income subscription produces a natural progression of learning and building competitive capabilities with the two fundamental parts of Aji — The Aji Source Fundamental Strategy and designing and executing offers, practices, narratives and strategies.  The Aji Starter's Course includes 21 robust assignments on designing ambitions; constituting intentions; the fundamental human, business, career and marriage concerns; marginal utilities, dignity, ethics of power, sales, leadership, The Strategy, design of an offer, and more.  Included with the subscription is a weekly selection of excerpts from videos and papers from The Aji Library that emphasize operational tactics for using Aji to produce competitive advantages. The selections are designed so you can study at least one piece of content every day. Use them with your Networks of Capabilities to begin to double your productivity, value and income.  A subscription to The Aji Starter's Course - Double Your Income includes The Aji Starter Course (ASC); Double Your Income; Aji fundamental, strategic and tactical knowledge; The Aji Focus; monthly excerpts from the book, Aji, an IR#4 Business Philosophy; and help and coaching.