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Aji Fundamental Knowledge

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  1. The Fundamental Human Concerns and Their Existential, Strategic and Competitive Utility
    15 Topics
  2. The Fundamental Business Concerns and Their Financial, Strategic and Competitive Importance In IR#4
    25 Topics
  3. The Fundamental Marriage Concerns
    17 Topics
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An Executive Concern: Business Owners and Executives

Capital Structures are “Sources of Power” businesspeople use to fulfill their financial, career and business intentions practically, strategically and competitively.

A “Source of Power” is a real, physical location from which businesspeople gain knowledge or capabilities to increase their competitive advantages, productivity, value and income.

They include declarations such as ambitions and partnerships, people with the capability to make and fulfill needed commitments, books and teachers, tools, money, networks, autonomies, highly valued accomplishments, identities, leadership roles and offers and organizations.

The word “capital” can be used as a noun or modifier and means it is used to disclose that something is used to “make money”.

The Capital Structures used in “Aji” include:

Human Capital

People who are able to make and fulfill the commitments needed to “make money”, or to fulfill financial, career and business intentions

Capital Equipment

The tools businesspeople use to “make money”, or to expand or amplify their capabilities to think and act effectively, strategically and competitively to produce a steady stream of new offers, practices, narratives and strategies with highly-valued “marginal utilities”

Capital Inventories

The fresh, new offers, practices, narratives and strategies  — including goods and services —  businesspeople and businesses have on hand, or can produce very quickly, to “make money”

Operating Capital

The money used to operate a business or career to produce a return that is satisfactory to the owners, or to “make money”.

Financial Capital

The money used to invest in, and start, a new business venture in order to “make money”.

Capital Structures are used strategically and competitively in IR#4, or with computers, the internet and Networks of Capabilities, rather than with task orientation as they were in IR#3.

They are used “financially” as Sources of Power to “make money”.

They are used “strategically” to design and execute action plans.

They are used “competitively” to design and produce competitive capabilities and advantages, and to increase productivity, value and incomes.